Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My readings 2

So, the plan of this week was to read two stories of Auster's trilogy - 'The Locked Room', 'The Ghost' and a book by him 'The Music of Chance', which I have already read.

'The Music of Chance' - is a story of a man, who apparently bored with his daily chores, makes up his mind to set off for a two year journey around the expanses of his country - the USA. Financially backed up by his late father, who left him a heritage worth a lot, he can afford a fancy, a new Saab and an infinite amount of petrol, not to mention accomodation in hotels. One day, on his way, he meets a badly beaten fella, a roboust poker player, with whom Nashe will be now sharing his history throughout the novel.

The story itself is absorbing and, no doubt, worth reading. You can find plenty of coloquial language. It triggers imagination. Me... I was reading the book, savoring its every bit - I really enjoyed it.

But... I see no corellation between the title and the story.

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